It's Just Nice

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Curry goat recipe

Curry goat is one of my favourite things to eat. Done right, it’s full of rich, spicy flavour and the goat is tender (and a bit fatty, which is naughty but oh so nice). I like it cooked on the bone so you can get your fingers in there and get every scrap of meat off of them!

I’ve been meaning to cook it for years but never got around to it, but a few Sundays ago I went to my parents for lunch and they do what they always do and sent me home with loads of food, this time loads of home grown chillis, including a few lovely looking scotch bonnets. Couple my acquisition of some tasty treats with a sudden free evening and my inability to just do nothing and you’ve got me ringing around butchers to find some goat. I say ringing around…I called one butcher and was like “got goat?” and the dude said “Yep, loads” So I took myself over to PAK in St Paul’s after work, they open until 7pm, also have butchers in Easton and are about to open a store in Totterdown- how convenient.

So I took myself and my goat, all nicely chopped and on the bone, and started the epic process of cooking curry goat. I found my recipe from this blog, as it seemed the most authentic (Ok, ok I’ve never cooked it before so I understand how that sounds but some recipes didn’t even call for scotch bonnets???!!) It also looked pretty simple, although I have changed a few bits and left some bits out to make it even easier! I’ve also used hot curry powder and more scotch bonnets because I like things hot, but I can tell you it tastes good and pretty authentic (I’m never going to beat someone who has been doing it for years).

Anyway, enough chat! Here’s the recipe. I did this over 2 evenings, you will need at least 5 hours cooking time. Here’s what you need – this is enough for 4.

curry goat 1

2.5 lb goat- chopped and on the bone, the butcher will chop it for you
1 white onion
2 tbs curry powder (I just used a generic hot curry powder from the supermarket)
3 gloves of garlic
2 tomatoes
2 scotch bonnets
3 spring onions
Tsp of tomato ketchup
A few sprigs of thyme
A good handful of chopped coriander
Tsp of cumin
4 cups of water
salt and pepper
A good glug of ground nut oil

Wash your goat and drain, then in a large bowl add the goat, tomatoes, a quarter of the curry powder, spring onions, coriander, cumin, ketchup and the salt and pepper. Give it a good mix and then put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours and make sure you take it out for 10 minutes before you cook so that it’s room temperature.

Next, in a good heavy based pan over a medium to high heat (listen up when I say heavy based pan, a thin metal pan will mean the meat sticks and burns to the base) add a generous glug of ground nut oil and your chopped onion and garlic until the onion starts to go translucent. Then add the scotch bonnets and the rest of the curry powder and coat all the ingredients then add a cup of water and cook for a couple of minutes until the water burns off- you’ll get a thick grainy source. Start adding your goat a few pieces at a time making sure they are well covered in the sauce. Once all the meat is in there cover and let the meat cook in the juices it will release, you’ll want to turn down the heat so it simmers. Do this for about 30 minutes. While this is happening add three cups of water to the bowl, that your goat came from, so the water can mix with the marinade.

curry goat 2

Now it’s time to take off the lid and burn off the natural juices so turn up the heat. Once the natural juices have gone add the water, and the contents of the marinade, to the pan. Bring it all to a boil, when it hits this point turn that puppy down, put on the lid and and let that delicious goat cook until it’s soft, falling off the bone and the sauce is a nice thick gravy. This is going to take at least 2 hours, do not turn up the heat, it needs time. Make sure you stir it every 20 mins or so to make sure it does’t stick.

curry goat 3

And that is it! I served mine with rice and pea so I cooked up some rice in coconut milk, with onions and added some kidney beans and thyme. It takes a bit of time to cook but I did it over a few evenings and it’s as good, maybe better, reheated. I hope you guys enjoy it.

curry goat 4


About frankieapples

2 comments on “Curry goat recipe

  1. Meg Pope
    October 7, 2013

    I was lucky enough to try some of this and trust me – it’s BANGING!

    • frankieapples
      October 7, 2013

      Thanks mate 🙂

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