It's Just Nice

A lifestyle blog bringing you fashion, music, food, and everything else that's just nice about Bristol and beyond!

Super Easy Healthy Energy Bars – they certainly are just nice!

This is a super simple recipe for those of you out there that may fancy a cheeky little snack, without having the guilt. They are also a great source of energy and really do fill you up. My mum originally showed me this simple recipe and now I regularly make batches and store them in a cake tin – they seem to keep forever. There are also several twists you can do to make them a little naughtier, but maybe a little nicer! I, however, am going to stick to the basic recipe so you can get the hang of it and experiment a little if you are feeling brave!

To make them you will need

  • 100g butter
  • 200g clear honey
  • 200g rolled oats / porridge oats
  • 150g mixed seeds
  • 100g flaked almonds
  • 100g sultanas
  • 50g ground almonds
  • 2tsp sesame seeds

To start you want to pre-heat your oven to about 180 degrees and pop some grease proof paper in a medium sized baking tin.

Next take a large bowl and combine the rolled oats, mixed seeds, flaked almonds, sultans, ground almonds and mix all together into a dry blend.

Once this is done cut the butter into little squares and put in a saucepan with the honey. A little tip here is to measure out the honey straight into the saucepan because it’s often a little sticky to transfer from one place to another!

Heat the butter and the honey on a medium heat until all melted together.  Make sure you stir occasionally until it has all been melted together. Then pour the runny mixture into your dry bend.

Mix it all together making sure none of the mixture is left dry.

Once ready start spooning it into your baking tin, making sure that you firmly pat the mixture down. It is really important that it is compacted tightly or once it is baked it will be a bit crumbly…

Once ready sprinkle the 2tsp of sesame seeds on the top. Then we are ready for baking.

Pop into the oven for 25 mixtures and let these little treats bake!

After they have cooked they can come out of the oven and need to cool for about half an hour before cutting into little bite size squares!

I think they are best served with a lovely cup of tea and a good magazine – it’s just nice!


For those of you feel a little braver how about these alternatives and extra bit you might want add!

Try adding a thick layer of raspberry or strawberry jam in the middle. The recipe stays exactly the same however just dish out half the mixture into the baking tin, compact it then spread on a thick layer of jam. Add the rest of the mixture on top and compact again. These are a little sweeter and have the big thumbs up from many of my friends!

You could also add in some little chocolate chips – this might make this healthy snacks a little less healthy – however who doesn’t love a little bit of chocolate!

Alternatively you could add in a little more dried fruit such as cranberries or strawberries – to be honest the possibilities are endless and these little snacks are a great little recipe to experiment with!

Enjoy! Cx





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This entry was posted on June 25, 2012 by in Food, It's Just Nice and tagged , , , , .