It's Just Nice

A lifestyle blog bringing you fashion, music, food, and everything else that's just nice about Bristol and beyond!

Glastonbury 2015 – The countdown begins…

The title of this blog post would suggest that I’m only just beginning my Glastonbury 2015 countdown. That is a big, fat lie. I’ve been excited about Glastonbury 2015 since approximately a week after Glasto 2014, when I’d finally caught up on my sleep, had finally washed the glitter out of every nook and cranny, and had probably just about stopped crying about the fact that I wasn’t there any more.

Because in all honesty, Glastonbury festival is my favourite place in the world, and I look forward to my annual visit more than Christmas – and that’s saying something. The first day, the Wednesday, when the gates open is almost too much to handle, and if you’re anything like me you’ll spend the night before too excited to sleep and then the trip down so excited that you inadvertently drink too much cider on the trip down and have to stop in a lay by for a most un-glamorous nature wee (true story folks). On arrival we set up our camp, crack open another cider, hype ourselves up to fever pitch and practically leg it down to the festival site to check it out, where we each have our rituals.

My Mum always makes a beeline for the Pyramid stage, which you can walk right up to without the hordes who’ll be camped out there in a few days time. My Dad always like to go and have a pint in The Bimble Inn in The Park. I love to go and have a nosey round the after hours area before the sun goes down, and then we all traipse up to the Glastonbury sign and look out over Somerset’s second biggest settlement – if only for a week.

So this got me thinking…we have our rituals, but what does everyone else do? So I asked the fine folk of social media and here are just a few of the bloody brilliant responses I got!

“CIDER. Also, first can of cider after you’ve pitched your tent?! You know we drink it in the camper and fail massively while waiting to get in because we need to wee so badly.” Frankie Wallington, cider fiend, regular Glasto goer and It’s Just Nice-r

Frankie and I on cider number 2 - at approximately 7:30 in the morning

Frankie and I on cider number 2 – at approximately 7:30 in the morning

The look of pre-Glasto excitement from my marvellous Mum

The look of pre-Glasto excitement from my marvellous Mum

“Straight to the cider bus and drink the whole day, done it every glasto for 12 years!” Rich Turner

Tony and Dean in their inception T-shirts

Tony and Dean in their inception T-shirts

“Find the crumpet van! Via the cider bus!” Kenresa Stratford


“We camp outside the festival on our friends farm so always go down Mon/Tues and love getting up Weds morn and watching the Temp city develop across the fields! Also always have to stay up until Monday morning to watch the sun come up for the last time on the festival before we all have to go home at the only place to do so, The Stone Circle!” Georgina Webb

Cocktails - ya know, for a break from the cider...

Cocktails – ya know, for a break from the cider…

“Walk around the site, including pilgrimage to empty Pyramid stage, and savour the calm before it all goes bonkers…” Dan Tsu, Lyrix Organix, The Common



Glasto Dad selfie

Glasto Dad selfie

“Cider as soon as car is parked and the queues begin….Always go off for a wander around the green fields, to the cider bus or brothers cider, catch up with friends and check out the stone circle fire spinners, and chanting in the early eve. Love that site…it’s a pain in the arse until you’ve got your spot but once you’re there the magic begins !” Caz Milford

Frankie - happiest when in a hammock with cider

Frankie – happiest when in a hammock with cider

So in short, it seems the general consensus is CIDER!





One comment on “Glastonbury 2015 – The countdown begins…

  1. dankeeling1
    May 28, 2015

    I need to put my name to the cider list. Brothers is the taste of Glastonbury.

    Can’t wait!

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